GDPR - personal data protection

The Czech Post is fully aware of the importance of the protection of personal data and safeguards this protection according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (“the GDPR”), with effect from 25 May 2018.

For basic information on the GDPR, please visit the Office for Personal Data Protection’s website at

We hold a number of certificates for various activities, see Our certification according to ČSN ISO/IEC 27001:2014 proves that we have adopted the necessary security measures to protect sensitive information, which means not only personal data but also customer information as a whole. The adopted security measures are being continuously assessed in the light of possible new security threats in order to identify and ensure an appropriate level of personal data protection.

Privacy is important to us both when we act in the capacity of a personal data controller, i.e. when we provide our own services and determine the reasons and methods for personal data processing, and in the capacity of a personal data processor involved in the processing of personal details provided to us by other entities. This applies especially to banks, savings banks and insurance companies that chose us for the processing of address details because we are able to comply with the most stringent conditions imposed by them on personal data protection.

Additional links to GDPR and personal data protection:

  1. Basic information and contact details
  2. Additional information about personal data processing
  3. Customer’s rights and personal data processing application form